Harwich and North Essex MP Sir Bernard Jenkin earns up to £2,600 a year outside his work as an MP, according to open data from the UK Parliament.

The Conservative MP, who has sat in the House of Commons since 1992, writes regular columns for Diplomat Magazine, earning £325 per article.

Other sources of his outside income include writing for the Telegraph and MACE Magazine, and giving speeches at the Turf Club, a London gentleman’s club.

MPs are paid a basic salary of £81,932 and are allowed to work as consultants for private businesses so long as they declare any earnings over £100 from second jobs.

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Under current laws, there is no limit to how many hours MPs can work outside of their parliamentary commitments.

Other north and mid Essex MPs Giles Watling, Will Quince, Priti Patel and James Cleverly do not have second jobs outside of being an MP.

The £2,600 Sir Bernard earns each year is a fraction of the earnings other MPs take home from their second jobs.

The MP who earns the most money outside of their political salary is Sir Geoffrey Cox, the Conservative MP for Torridge and West Devon, who it has been revealed earns £970,839 a year for his work as a practising barrister.