GENEROUS residents have donated thousands of pounds of vital items for Ukrainians fleeing the Russian invasion.

Five van’s full of essential items, such as toiletries and medical provisions, were collected as part of the Harwich Ukraine Support Project (HUSP).

The donations have now reached Poland and are being distributed to Ukrainians both in the country and in their homeland.

Launched by the Harwich-based North Essex Support Team, the scheme has been encouraging residents to donate at a number of collection points in town.

To show their support for Ukraine, Churches Together also held a vigil in Cliff Park over the weekend.

READ MORE: Residents dig deep to ship vital supplies to Ukraine 

Harwich Mayor Ivan Henderson said: “This is in the true fashion of Harwich, where people come together whenever there is a crisis, work together and support each other.

“It makes me feel honoured and proud as mayor to represent a town like Harwich, which always steps up.

“It is an overall massive team effort in trying to be there for those Ukrainians and show that Harwich cares “We have proud history of that when you look back at Kindertransport in 1938.”

“Harwich has always been there opening its heart and doors for people.”