RESIDENTS in Tendring are being urged to “move more” for Mental Health Awareness Week.

Community Voluntary Services Tendring (CVST) is encouraging the community to get moving to improve their mental health as part of its ongoing work to help residents live healthier, independent and longer lives.

As part of its Lottery-funded ‘HILL project’, CVST is providing activities such as walking groups, group cycle rides, Tai Chi, swimming sessions and lessons for adults, and box fit.

Tracy Lawrie, communities manager, said: “At CVST, and within our HILL project team, we believe that getting active and getting out into your community can have amazing results for your overall mental wellbeing."

Tracy said this year’s theme for the week – Moments For Movement – was very special and fits with the activities CVST provides for residents with their well-being.

Harwich and Manningtree Standard: Well-being - Tracy Lawrie, communities manager at CVST said members have told her that getting active has helped their well-beingWell-being - Tracy Lawrie, communities manager at CVST said members have told her that getting active has helped their well-being (Image: CVST)

Tracey said: “Moving more can make a huge difference to how you feel and people who come to our activities tell us just that.”

“This could be walking or gardening at our allotment or even box fit.”

Tracey said in Harwich there are also “community connectors” who can provide support.

CVST volunteer Carole Hewitt helps at the Dovercourt allotment, which keeps her active and said: “This place gives me something to do, something I enjoy and people to share my time with.

“Coming here makes me feel happy."

Mental Health Awareness Week runs from May 13 to 19 and is led by the Mental Health Foundation.

This year’s message is to find Moments For Movement, such as while you are waiting for the kettle to boil or for the bus to arrive.

Lisa Andrews, CVST’s deputy chief officer, said: “Research from the Mental Health Foundation says people are facing barriers to moving for their mental health due to financial strain and inequality.

“We agree that being able to boost your mental health through movement shouldn’t be a luxury.”

She added there are many free activities such as walking groups which all are welcome to join.

To find out more about CVST’s activities and how to get involved visit or call 01255 425692.