AN indoor swimming pool has been forced to close its doors after three fire crews put out a blaze.

Firefighters rushed to Primrose Pool in Wrabness in the early hours of Monday morning.

A crew from Dovercourt was first on the scene and requested further support from firefighters from Manningtree and Colchester because of a poor water supply in the area, the fire service said.

Watch manager Luke Beardmore said: “Crews found part of the roof and building alight and worked really hard to stop it from spreading.

“Due to the remote location and lack of a good water supply, they used water from the swimming pool to help extinguish the fire.

“Crews also removed tiles to make sure the fire was completely out.”

The fire was under control by 1.30am but firefighters remained at the scene until 3.20am to check for hotspots.

The cause has been recorded as accidental.

Jim Macaulay, owner of the pool in Primrose Lane, said: “The pool is closed and we’re doing an assessment at the moment. Our intention is to repair and renew the damage the fire has done.

“We’re contacting all our clients and we’re sorry for the inconvenience. Hopefully things will return to normal as quickly as possible.”