THREE charities were given £300 each at the Harwich mayoress’ charities cheque presentations event, with more than 35 people in attendance.

Charity members and councillors were invited to the event at the Guildhall on Tuesday (June 4).

Anna Rendell-Knights, mayoress of Harwich for 2023-24, raised £900 which was split equally between the three charities of her choice.

The Electric Palace Theatre was given £300, along with the Harwich Connexions charity for its youth initiative, which goes toward a fund to provide subsidised rents for young people’s groups in the 1912 Centre.

The third charity was the Harwich Merchant Navy Association (MNA) was chosen by Mrs Rendell-Knights in memory of her husband who was a seafarer and a Trinity House licenced pilot.

She said: “I was very happy to be the mayoress to Maria Fowler, the ex mayor, and happy to give her support during the year.”

The presentation followed an organ recital concert which was held to support the vital work of her three charities, which saw Peter Clayton perform at St Nicholas' Church.

The recital included pieces such as the contemporary Hymn Prelude on Herzliebster Jesu by Hew Morgan and the 17th Century Toccata in D Minor by D Buxtehude.