A GENERAL Election ‘Question Time’ style event will take place in Lawford next week with candidates being asked questions about the climate and the environment.

The event will take place on Tuesday, June 18, starting at 8pm at the Lawford Venture Centre, near Manningtree, and is being run by the charity PACE (Practical Actions for Climate and Environment) Manningtree.

All five candidates have been invited, including Andrew Canessa (Green), Mark Cole (Reform UK), Alex Diner (Labour), Sir Bernard Jenkin (Conservative), and Natalie Sommers (Liberal Democrats).

As of writing Andrew Canessa, Alex Diner, Bernard Jenkin and Natalie Sommers have agreed to take part.

Each candidate will be asked three sets of questions about the impact of climate change, the damage to nature and how to support our local community – with six minutes to answer.

Candidates will then have a set time to answer questions from the floor before having a final three minutes each to tell the audience why they should be Harwich and North Essex’s Member of Parliament.

The event is organised by John Hall, a trustee of PACE.

Seats can be secured for the Election Question Time through www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/election-candidates-question-time-climate-special-tickets-923601174977 or alternatively walk in on the night.