A FOOTPATH in Harwich which school children use has become "dangerous" with overgrown brambles and stinging nettles.

Low Road connects Upper Dovercourt to Harwich and Dovercourt High School.

Councillor Ivan Henderson said he has been reporting a stretch of footpath for months now”.

He said: “Residents including children are having to walk on a very busy road because they can no longer use the footpath."

Danger - Councillor Ivan Henderson said it was a danger to residents and school childrenDanger - Councillor Ivan Henderson said it was a danger to residents and school children (Image: Submitted)

Mr Henderson said Essex Highways, part of Essex County Council, is “not keeping its residents safe when using public footpaths”.

Private - Essex Highways have said the land is privately owned meaning they cannot it back for the public footpathPrivate - Essex Highways have said the land is privately owned meaning they cannot it back for the public footpath (Image: Submitted)

But a spokesman for Essex Highways said: “We have been informed that the vegetation overgrowing on the footpath at this location in Low Road is privately owned.

“Essex Highways’ enforcement team will be reaching out to the landowner to request it is cut back.”

The spokesman also said all verges and foliage that they are responsible for, are cut back “twice a year in June and October”.

The spokesman added: “If we receive reports of safety issues, we will carry out ad-hoc clearances where possible, but we would ask landowners to stay on top of overgrown foliage from their private land.

“We encourage residents to report any issues with foliage through our online Tell Us tool at www.essexhighways.org/tell-us

Common - Overgrowth can also be seen in other public footpathsCommon - Overgrowth can also be seen in other public footpaths (Image: Submitted)

Mr Henderson said: “My view, is that it is the responsibility of ECC to make sure their public footpaths are safe for our residents to walk on.

“Where does that leave residents who want to use their footpath without having to walk on a very busy road? This road is renowned for speeding traffic.”

He added: “I am seeing it every day - children, residents and dog-walkers walking on the road as they cannot use the footpath.

“Their enforcement that they are introducing, it is not working."