Plans have been submitted to turn a historic former hotel in Dovercourt into offices.

The Tower Hotel, in Main Road, could get a new lease of life if plans are agreed by council bosses. 

The landmark building was originally built in 1885 and is grade two listed for its special architectural and historic interest. 

The property has been disused following the insolvency of the former hotel business in 2023. 

In a planning statement, the developer, states: “The proposal aims to sensitively convert the former hotel to offices, comprising 12 units and internal communal areas.  

“This provides a new viable use of the site which shall demand a greater amount of employment in comparison to the former hotel use, whilst protecting the existing heritage asset.” 

The project would focus on internal changes for office use, including a new lift to improve accessibility and updating fire safety measures. 

The blueprints suggest changes to the car park and access. 

The application says potential buyers were scared away by the high running costs, leaving the site with small commercial interest since the closure of the hotel. 

Tendring Council’s planning committee will rule on the application.