HARWICH Museum are hosting fun events aimed at children next month as the school holidays begin.

Harwich Museum on Main Road will first be hosting a free beach clean and learning session on August 7.

The meeting will begin at 11am at the Sailing Club with Libby from the Seaside Explorers leading the session.

After the beach clean, the group will go back to the museum where Libby will discuss what rubbish is, how it is bad for the environment and sea life, as well as how long it takes for things to decompose.

On August 16, there will be a session aimed at children with local metal detectorist John Keen.

Starting at 11am at Harwich Museum, this interactive children's session will include John showing his findings from over the years.

Admissions for this session will cost £2 per child and you must also email groupbookings@harwichmuseum.co.uk to book your seat.

There will also be a Treasure Hunting event for adults on August 3 at the Harwich Museum which starts at 11am.

This talk is also recommended for older children and will involve John giving a talk as well as showing his finds, with admissions costs £3 for adults and £2 for children.

To find out about more events visit harwichmuseum.com/events.