HARWICH'S Electric Palace cinema is staging a UK exclusive screening of episodes from a new TV series as part of a fundraising drive.

The ‘#OurElectricPalace Appeal’, which will support the historic venue, will begin with two special screenings on Sunday, August 11, and Monday, August 12.

On Sunday, the cinema will screen the first two episodes of AMC limited-series Monsieur Spade, which features cinema patron Clive Owen in the lead role.

Clive, known for Gosford Park, The Bourne Identity, and American Crime Story, will be taking part in the post-screening Q&A.

Patron - Clive Owen, patron of the Electric Palace TheatrePatron - Clive Owen, patron of the Electric Palace Theatre (Image: Mario Antonio Pena Zapatería/Wikimedia)

The series, which is currently not available on streaming services in the UK, is based on the Samuel Spade character created by American author Samuel Dashiell Hammett.

The character was made famous by Humphrey Bogart in the 1941 film adaptation of The Maltese Falcon.

The following day, Clive will introduce a screening of the film Closer to celebrate its 20th anniversary.

The actor won a Golden Globe and a BAFTA for best supporting actor for his role as Larry in the movie, as well as receiving an Oscar nomination.

Clive said: “The Electric Palace Cinema in Harwich holds a very special place in the town’s history.

“The fact that it is still standing and serving its community over 100 years after it was built is truly remarkable.

"I am delighted to be able to help the cinema launch this new wave of fundraising activity to help ensure the venue stays open to everyone for many generations to come.”

The Electric Palace Theatre was built in in 1911, only two years after the Cinematograph Act, making it one of the world’s oldest and least-altered purpose-built cinemas.

As well as needing a new projector, another area the cinema needs improving is the toilets, which have not been updated for decades,.

Tickets for the August 11 event cost £15 and tickets for August 12 event cost the same as normal cinema tickets.

More details are available at electricpalace.com.