CHARITIES in Harwich, Dovercourt and Clacton have benefited from grants totalling nearly £10,000 from the Harwich Mayflower Legacy Fund.

UTurn4Support, a charity dedicated to educating and supporting young people in the community about knife awareness, county line drugs gangs and youth violence, received £2,758 from the fund.

The charity also received additional money from the Essex County Fire and Rescue Service Fund and the High Sheriffs’ Fund, taking the total to £7,458.

UTurn director Tania Swanson said: “Young people who are vulnerable can quickly become victims of crime or be drawn into offending. 

“We encourage them to make wise life choices, to stay in education or employment, educate them on the dangers of gang culture and youth violence, and work hard to realise their full potential”

Ms Swanson added: “We are very grateful for this funding to support our work which has specifically enabled us to deliver a programme supporting young females aged 12-18 years from Clacton and Harwich who may be at risk of criminality, violence and exploitation.”

The Harwich Mayflower Legacy Fund was set up by councillor Ivan Henderson in 2020 during his mayoral year, and is managed by the independent charitable trust, Essex Community Foundation (ECF).

The funding has also been boosted by Mr Henderson who has given cash available under a scheme which provides county councillors with £5,000 for charities in their area.

The money has also been matched by 50 per cent with money available from the Essex Police Proceeds of Crime Scheme.

Mr Henderson said: “I am amazed and delighted that the value of the Harwich Mayflower Legacy Fund has grown to over £70,000 since 2020 and that it will provide a lasting source of funding to support charities and voluntary groups in Harwich and Dovercourt.”

Other charities that have benefited from the fund include the Ark Family Resource Centre, Teen Talk Harwich, Home-Start Harwich, Tall Ships Youth Trust, and the 4th Dovercourt Sea Scouts.

To support local charities and make a donation to the Harwich Mayflower Legacy Fund, visit   
or call ECF on 01245 355947.

Local charities in need of funding can apply at