WINNERS in the first season of a free game aimed at getting residents more active in Harwich and Walton have been announced. 

Street Tag turns parks and streets into a giant virtual playground with players earning points by collecting 'virtual tags' and converting walking, running and cycling into points.

Street Tag finished its first season on July 9 for the public community leader board and on July 23 for the school leader board.  

For both Harwich and Walton, the team ‘Horse Rangers’ took first place, which was made up of six Harwich residents earning just over 2,900,000 points between them.

The school leader board was split into the two towns with Rolph Primary crowned the Walton area winner and St Joseph’s Catholic Primary as the Harwich and Dovercourt winner.

The Walton school season saw players cover 5,777 miles, while Harwich and Dovercourt school players clocked up 10,123 miles.

The two towns' community leader boards recorded a total of more than 22 million steps, covering a distance of 40,378 miles.

Becky Dowling, activity co-ordinator at Community Voluntary Services Tendring, ran the game.

She said: “The first season of Street Tag in Harwich and Walton has gone by so fast and we are looking forward for more to come in the next two seasons.

“It is a brilliant way to have fun while getting active. We have more events and activities planned, including our Street Tag Olympics, so if you haven’t already joined up, do it now and join in for season two.”

Becky added: “The great part of Street Tag is it’s free, fun and easy to be a part of.

“And it can be played anywhere as the tags are all over the UK, so even if you’re on a day out or on holiday you can collect points."

The second season of the community game will kick off with a Summer Olympics on August 6 with extra prizes up for grabs, and the school's game will start again on  September 11.

For more information on Street Tag, visit and download the app from Google Play or the Apple App Store, or call Becky Dowling on 07707 282907.