GEORGIAN England will come to life at Harwich’s Redoubt force this month as part of the Harwich Society’s summer season of events.

The Napoleonic weekend, featuring Harwich’s King's German Artillery, will take place on Saturday, August 17, and Sunday, August 18, from 10am to 4pm.

The theme of this year’s Napoleonic weekend is ‘The unrest caused by the French Revolution in Georgian Britain’ and each day will provide lively entertainment.

Speaking on behalf of the Harwich Society’s Redoubt Fort volunteers, John Theobald, said: “It will be a colourful, noisy, exciting and educational event with a wide range of activities.

“We are very much looking forward to it.”

Each day will begin with a flag ceremony, followed by canon and musket drills and living history exhibits giving an insight into trades in the 18th Century and life in a military camp. 

The first day will end with an “inconclusive skirmish” and the second day will end with a more conclusive one. 

Further at some point on each day the Riot Act will be read.

Visitors are encouraged to wear Georgian costume and hot food and refreshments will be available.

Admission is £7.50 for adults on the day (£6 in advance) with accompanied children under-16 admitted free of charge. 

Advance tickets are available at