Harwich and Dovercourt High School Sixth Form students have celebrated receiving their A-Level results today.

School leaders said there had been an “exceptionally high” A-Level pass rate this year.

The school, situated in Hall lane, Dovercourt, said all students who applied to university have been offered a place, with 15 per cent of all grades being an A and B grades.

Sixth former Katie Dunne, achieved A and B grades and will be pursuing her dream of primary teaching after studying at Anglia Ruskin University.

Fellow student Summer Tye will be studying psychology with cognitive neuroscience at Essex University.

Nicole Vowles will study Law with Criminology at Brighton University.

Many other students succeeded in their chosen pathways of apprenticeships and full time employment.

This includes student Aria Robbins who proudly takes her A grade with her into mental health nursing through an employment scheme.

Results day - student Cameron ShephardResults day - student Cameron Shephard (Image: Seana Hughes)

Student - Zachory Fontain with his resultsStudent - Zachory Fontain with his results (Image: Seana Hughes)

Headteacher Kate Finch said: "It is an absolute pleasure to see these young adults make their journey successfully all the way through Harwich and Dovercourt High School.

“The students have all worked very hard and I would also like to praise the support offered by our teaching staff and their families.

“Working together, we are all so proud to be a part of the HDHS community.

“Many of our students go on to their adult lives now with the destination of their choice - some university and some the world of employment.

“We wish all our young people the greatest of luck and best wishes as we watch them move on.”

The next cohort to collect exam results at Harwich and Dovercourt High School will be the Year 11 students picking up their GCSE results on August 22.