THE Harwich-based theatre and arts company Funnelwick Limb, in association with Theatre Porto and Eastern Angles, has announced the cast and creative team for this year’s tour of their acclaimed family show.

The Chronicles of Atom and Luna is a “modern fairy tale” that follows two inseparable twins who must save their friend from the “deep, dark wood”.

The play was written by BBC Radio 6’s poet laureate Murray Lachlan Young who as part of the play’s development, visited six schools across Tendring. 

The roles of our key adventurers Atom and Luna will be brought to life by Victoria Chen and Chileya Mwampulo.

While joining them as the enigmatic Old Mother Redbeard is Kate Millner and reprising their role from the 2022 production, Iffly Sney and Old Mother Wra, is Alex Scott Fairley.

Cast - (Clockwise from top left) Cast - (Clockwise from top left) (Image: Submitted) Victoria Chen, Chileya Mwampulo, Kate Millner, and Alex Scott Fairley

The Chronicles of Atom and Luna is directed by Scott Hurran, designed by Bek Palmer, with music by Chris Warner, with lighting by Catja Hamilton and stage management by Sophie Gitsham.

The show is produced by Matthew Linley for Funnelwick Limb who said: “The Chronicles of Atom and Luna is a truly wonderful show for children and adult children alike.

“Our 2024 company, both on and off stage, is an incredibly talented team who I know will release the magic of the show for audiences to enjoy across England”.