HARWICH'S Dramatic Pause Productions will be performing Arthur Miller’s classic play The Crucible in Harwich this month.

Dramatic Pause Productions, which was founded in January 2014, will be marking its 10-year anniversary production with The Crucible.

The group, which started with just five founding members and now has more than 20, has performed numerous plays ranging from Beauty and the Beast to A Streetcar Named Desire to The Bald Prima Donna.

The Crucible is a masterpiece by acclaimed playwright Arthur Miller and follows the hysteria surrounding a group of girls considered witches in the highly puritan Salem community.

Hysteria - The play follows the religious pilgrims in Salem, sixty years after the Mayflower, who developed a mass hysteria about witchesHysteria - The play follows the religious pilgrims in Salem, 70 years after the Mayflower, who developed a mass hysteria about witches (Image: Dramatic Pause Productions)

The play, written in 1953, is also as an allegory for the Red Scare – the US government’s ‘witch hunt’ for suspected communist sympathisers in the 1950s.

Twenty men and women died during the Salem witch hunts of 1692.

Dramatic Pause Productions is dedicating their play to the “victims of intolerance and persecution in this country and around the world”.

The Crucible will be shown at the Harwich Arts and Heritage Centre on September 12 and September 14 at 7.30pm, with a 2.30pm matinee on September 15.

Tickets cost £10 (£5 concessions) and are available now at www.harwichfestival.com.