ARTWORK from Year 5 pupils from Harwich and the surrounding area will be on show at Harwich Arts and Heritage Centre.

Year 5 pupils from Harwich, Dovercourt, Wix and Wrabness primary schools were invited to take part in a collaborative collagraph print artwork.

The work will be shown at the Harwich Arts and Heritage centre (HAHC) as part of the permanent collection in the main hall next to the art cafe.

Design house Eve Spencer is showing a sample of the pupils' response in the centre's Room 6 gallery after workshops which involved more than 300 primary school children in the area.

Collaborative - The HAHC helped 300 primary school children in the Harwich area in their workshopsInspiration - The children's responses can be seen in this collaborative collagraph print art inspired by nature (Image: Helen Spencer)

The exhibition is also part of the Harwich Education Convention, which aims to encourage the next generation to get involved in the arts.

Eve Spencer is a British art and design house founded by Central Saint Martins Fine Art graduate Helen Spencer and now has a studio in Harwich.

Helen said: “It’s very rewarding working with and witnessing the future arts - there’s some real talent in our young midst.

"The Creative Education Convention put on by Harwich Arts and Heritage Centre involved a carousel of activities and workshops offering insight into potential artistic career paths, from dance, poetry, illustration, animation, music, art and design."

She added: "The activities were honed to encourage and inspire the children to express themselves in a variety of ways - to develop their practice, consider their application and advance their artistic pursuits.

"It was a privilege to help facilitate.“