AN author from Manningtree has penned the fourth in a series of historical crime books entitled After The Flood.

Alec Marsh released his new book in the Drabble and Harris series which is now on bookshop shelves.

Alec said: “I’m incredibly proud to see After The Flood in print. I’m really pleased to say that the initial response has been very positive from readers and from thriller writers who have said how much they’ve enjoyed the book.

Cover - The front of his new book After The FloodCover - The cover of his new book After The Flood (Image: Alec Marsh)

’There’s lots of support locally from bookshops, too. Waterstones in Colchester have stocked my first three Drabble and Harris books, making me the author of the month twice, and described the books as ‘Indiana Jones meets Foyle’s War’, which is pretty cool."

"Red Lion Books in Colchester are stocking the new book, too, and Manningtree Arts has done an event with me.

“There’s lots of support which is fantastic. Rowan Hunter threw a launch party for After The Flood at his Estuary wine bar in Manningtree and I think half the town turned up.

“It’s wonderful to see so many faces there. I can’t thank everyone enough for their encouragement and support.

“I loved writing the book. It's a pleasure to write about them and bringing their exploits to life.”