AN author who now lives in Australia wants British audiences to know about her children’s book which is inspired by the Essex countryside, including Wrabness.

Kirby-Lee Dingwall, now known as Kirby Staltari, was born in Colchester and went to the Royal Hospital School in Holbrook, Suffolk.

She moved to Adelaide in Australia in 2014 and two years later published a children's book Albert Acorn – Birdwatching, which was inspired by her childhood experiences in Wrabness Woods.

The book is illustrated by Henry Petrides with its leafy imagery being inspired by Wrabness Wood, which Kirby says is a “local treasure” and somewhere where she and her family spent countless hours.

Fun - The children's book is a fun look at bird watching inspired by the relationship between grandparents and grandchildrenFun - The children's book is a fun look at birdwatching inspired by the relationship between grandparents and grandchildren (Image: Submitted) Kirby was also influenced by grandparents Jacqui and Robert Newlyn, who still live in Mistley.

She said: “My Nanna and I used to create stories together, with her writing on sheets of paper while I drew acorn families.

“Little did we know that these moments would lead to a published book that's now available in hundreds of online stores worldwide.”

The book, published by Partridge Publishing Singapore, is now available on Amazon, Barnes and Nobles, and Walmart. Visit