A MUM who campaigned for lifesaving heart checks after her son tragically died aged 20 has been named Pride of Britain Award’s 2024 fundraiser of the year. 

Helen Petley’s son Tom Petley, 20, died in his sleep in April 2022 from sudden arrhythmic death syndrome (SADS) –a sudden death from a cardiac arrest with no obvious cause.

Following his death she has fundraised for checks to help get other young people tested. 

She has now been named the Pride of Britain Award’s 2024 fundraiser of the year for the East of the Anglia region.

Helen said: “Tom was fine as far as we knew.

“He was in a good job that he liked; he had a deposit for his house at the age of 20 which is remarkable. Before Tom, I never knew another child who died of SADS but twelve 14 to 35-year-olds die every week from an undiagnosed heart condition.

Screening - Helen Petley at the June screening she organisedScreening - Helen Petley at the June screening she organised (Image: Submitted) Helen, 61, set up the Tom Petley Foundation, raising more than £16,000 to fund two screening days at Harwich and Parkeston Football Club in June – which saw 200 people be screened for undiagnosed heart conditions, with 26 having further appointments.

Helen said the screening days are not government-funded, with private ones costing £6,800 a day for a 100 people.

She added: “It’s just a drop in the ocean, but it’s people like myself and my family that are providing this by supporting these other people who are also donating their time, money, and feet.”

Walk - Helen Petley walked 19 miles of a 31-mile trek this Saturday to raise money for Cardiac Risk in the YoungWalk - Helen Petley walked 19 miles of a 31-mile trek this Saturday to raise money for Cardiac Risk in the Young (Image: Submitted) Helen said that parents are now again lobbying the government to introduce life-saving screenings adding: “There’s only so much money in the NHS but this is saving young people’s lives.

“The test is so simple, an ECG, and at a screening day you can then speak to a doctor who specialise in hearts, a cardiologist."

Tragic - Tom Petley from Ramsey died in his sleep aged 20 in 2022Tragic - Tom Petley from Ramsey died in his sleep aged 20 in 2022 (Image: Family)

Helen, who was nominated for the award by her work boss, added: “I don’t like being the centre of attention - do anything rather to have that - but if this promotes it… I want people to be tested.”

Helen Petley will be going to the national Pride of Britain Awards ceremony in London later this year where she could win fundraiser of the year.

To donate for a sponsored walk organised by Helen and her son Matthew last week visit https://www.justgiving.com/page/walkfortomcry2024.