A vital community centre in Harwich has succeeded staying afloat after months of worrying about its survival. 

The Ark Centre has overcome a difficult year and faced the threat of closure last September, with the venue’s costs varying between £20,000 and £25,000 per month. 

Its nursery, which turned 70 last December, was saved thanks to the generosity of Harwich’s residents and visitors, and their tireless efforts to raise funds. 

Manager Claire Bridges said: “We are so pleased to have successfully opened our beautiful new baby room. The last year has been very hard but we have fought to keep the centre open which we have done beyond expectations. 

SEN - The family centre offers special SEN groupsSEN - The family centre offers special SEN groups (Image: Ark Centre Harwich)

“Our umbrella services are growing fast. We have counselling services for adults and children, and our outreach services help support families in crisis in the home.  

“Our ArkExtra! support group is for parents who need help and information about their children and SEN needs.” 

Money remains tight, and despite the centre managing to stay open, more will be needed in the future. 

“As a charity, we rely on grants, benefactors and the constant support from the community with fundraising,” said Ms Bridges

 “This is still very much needed.  

“We held a fire walk at the Royal Oak last year and are very excited to announce we are doing it again on November 3.  

“Colette’s Taxis have been amazing with all the fundraising they do for us. The Trafalgar pub has chosen us as their charity and raised a huge amount already with Traffest and Chopper ride-outs. 

“The Bottle Kiln and New Bell Inn have held quiz nights for us and Harwich Secret Gardens have chosen the Ark as one of their charities too.  

“We are very excited to be entering the Guy Carnival this year again with a Jurassic Park theme." 

The centre, which has now three rooms caring for children from birth to five years, is run by qualified staff. 

Anyone who wants to support the Ark is welcome to suggest fundraising ideas to keep the momentum going and preserve the vital service to the community. 

Claire Bridges can be contacted at 01255 502063 and claire@thearkcentregroup.co.uk.